At some point David and his wife Nicki lived a street over from me in Sachse, Texas. Those were golden days. We recall stories, one of which, is when someone tried to break into my house. Periodically over the following months, I awake scared in the night, run across the street, through the alley, and tap on David and Nicki's door. No matter how late in the night, they gladly open the door and let me crash on their couch. Who does that? We laugh.
Back in the day, we met at a bar on Sunday Mornings, called the Regal Beagle. David's wife Nicki along with Rene Anderson cook up a huge hot breakfast. We sit at table tops around the polished bar. Rene's husband Dave Anderson, with his long hair, bare feet, and calm phil

message of grace and acceptance through Christ, while we eat, and off to the side, David Rodriguez paints. It's a lot of Daves to keep track, but somewhere between our last sip of coffee and biscuit, Dave Anderson turns around to see the graphic and emotional illustration that David Rodriguez has just created.
Rodriguez grew up in New York before moving to Dallas. He has a deconstructed comic book meets Salvador Dali style that pierces as it evokes. Rodriguez is a pioneer in the art of Live Illustration, and now travels the country Speed Painting. His latest painting for TD Jakes, at the Potters House, is featured on Oprah's Next Chapter tv show this weekend.
I told David

Learn more about David Rodriguez Speed Paintings at drgorilla.com.
From one artist to another, from one David(how i love that name- trust me Reba Davids
ReplyDeleteare the best) to another i'm proud of you sir, when we use our God given gifts...we Rock our world.
Great piece Reba. Cheers to him doing big things & to you too.
God bless... LET'S ROCK THIS WORLD!!
We welcome another David. Thanks for stopping by!
ReplyDeleteThis King is Royally welcomed. To the Lady Rebs of the Royal order of Toney, i am indeed humbled lol.. Thanks gal. Keep writing, keep telling your story.
ReplyDeleteA good read from a beautiful lady, REAL TALK!