Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chrish Changes at The Grammy's

Katy Perry, Johnny Cash, & Whitney Houston all have this in common, and I'm not talking about picking their spouses from the cover of the tabloids. What they share is a musical start in Christian Music. For reals' yo! Katy was at the first Chrish concert we had at The Fish in 2002. So It makes since that the Grammy Award's would FINALLY revamp it's outdated catagory list from 109 to 78. Even less would be better, but for now say "Good bye" to a Gospel heavy line up and "Hello" to Contemporary Christian Categories.

Side by Side Changes for Grammy's

Best Gospel PerformanceBest Gospel/Contemporary Christian Music Performance
Best Gospel SongBest Gospel Song
Best Rock Or Rap Gospel AlbumBest Contemporary Christian Music Song
Best Pop/Contemporary Gospel AlbumBest Gospel Album
Best Southern, Country Or Bluegrass Gospel AlbumBest Contemporary Christian Music Album
Best Traditional Gospel Album
Best Contemporary R&B Gospel Album

- The Hollywood Reporter